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Center Bus Lanes Tremont St / Columbus Ave Phase II

Submit your comments by end of business, Friday, June 16th.
The proposed concept, presented at both meetings, would extend the existing center-running bus lanes on Columbus Avenue north from Jackson Square to Ruggles Station. The design includes:

·  Center platforms with shelters and real-time arrival information
·  Redesigned circulation at Jackson Square to reduce bus travel times throughout the corridor
·  Bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements
·  Public plaza and green space to make the area more welcoming for everyone who lives, studies, and travels
along the corridor

·  You can view the preliminary design concept here

For additional information, and for those who were not able to attend the May 22 or May 24 meetings, a recording of the May 22 virtual meeting, as well as the meeting presentation and materials from both meetings Click here

June 15

Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services 49th Annual Meeting

June 20

Mission Hill Mayor's Coffee Hour