Our upcoming Community Alliance business meeting
will continue in-person at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health.
At the same time, there is still an option to alternatively log in via Zoom
for those who prefer to participate remotely (hybrid meeting). Further instructions below.
1. Brief Community Updates and Announcements
2. Address by Henry Santana, Candidate for Boston City Councilor-At-Large
3. Planned Bike Lanes on Heath St.-South Huntington Ave.
Presentation and discussion
Project leads: Hannah Fong and Sarah Davis,
Boston Transportation Department
4. Community Update on Pollinator Meadow @ McLaughlin Playgroun
Dennis Pultinas and Ann Antonellis, MH residents
To join remotely, please click the following Zoom link: CAMH 28June2023
Meeting ID: 940 2225 3309; Passcode: 837183
One tap mobile +16465588656,,94022253309#,,,,*837183# US (New York)
Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US
Find your local number: https://tufts.zoom.us/u/ab081zt8B5
Join by SIP 94022253309@zoomcrc.com
We hope to see you there!
Martin Beinborn
President, Community Alliance of Mission Hill