The meeting will be held in-person at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health.
Alternatively, there is still an option to log in via Zoom for those who prefer to participate remotely.
How to participate in-person:
Come to the FXB building of the Harvard Chan School of Public Health; entrance is @ 651 Huntington Avenue
Zoom Information: click Meeting link
Meeting ID: 940 2225 3309, Passcode: 837183
Via Phone: 646.931.3860
1..Community Updates and Announcements
2..36 Parker Hill Ave. – new residential development proposal
Presentation / discussion / opinion survey
The current parking lot on the shared grounds of two existing apartment buildings at 40 and 44 Parker Hill Ave. will be replaced with an additional 5-story building. This new building will add another 38 apartments for rent. It will include a courtyard, a yoga studio, a rooftop terrace, and bike storage.
Details on the plan can be reviewed here, and the current stage of the Boston Planning Article 80 process including available files is updated here.
Presenters: Jay Walsh and development team
Minutes of our prior meeting on December 18th, 2024 can be found here
(update on SoniDot dispensary plans, and upcoming Squares & Streets rezoning)
The Mission Hill Gazette reported
Please mark your calendars for upcoming events (invites to follow):
CAMH Stammtisch on each 2nd Thursday of the month (February 13th, 2025)
CAMH Membership meeting on each 3rd Wednesday of the month (February 19th)