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Virtual Abutters Mtg - 134 Smith St Squealing Pig space

Proposal: Two story Addition approximately 64'-7' x26'-4" to an existing one story commercial building (restaurant/tavern)
Change occupancy to Coffee Shop/Restaurant, reduced size of restaurant to 480 sq ft and 18 seats
6 Dwelling Units - 4 two bedrooms and two studios, .

Link: Meeting ID: 860 4380 4157

By Phone: +1 646 931 3860 United States Toll Passcode: 86043804157#

If you cannot attend this meeting, have any questions or comments about this proposal, or need interpretation services, please contact in advance:

Margaret Van Scoy Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services (617) 635-2679 |

June 8

Mission Hill Senior's Birthday Party!

June 9

Mission Hill Gazette June issue now online